2013 Surtex Walk
Well time is up. So is all the preparing for surtex. During this last year or so there were surtex webinars about the whole event so that really helped calm my nerves a bit. Also I walked the surtex show last year to get ideas and be familiar with everything and came out of the Javits Center and said "I'm going to do this and be here next year." It's happening!!!! So there is power in your words do not under estimate that. These last 8 months or so I have been plugging away with forestfoundry.com 8 independent artist in a collective going to surtex together. Sharing costs and having emotional support for this show has been a TREMENDOUS relief for all of us. I think as a creative freelancer in this economy we have all been hit and I feel that the ones that are high on integrity like us with our clients. We all do abnormal super hero acts to get things done for all of them. Yet still trying to maintain sanity, health and family life with children for some of us. I really like to acknowledge the persistence and love we have for who we are and what we do. I don't think it would've been possible with out taking Lilla's MAT classes on line. I also do not think it would've been possible if we weren't amazing. The chemistry of our group has been phenomenal. Our work is a compliment to another with differences, contrast and similarity. I think we all grew so much together. This international collective from Australia, Holland, Belgium, California and Virginia is possible. So if this can work there is no excuse really.
I have been working everyday almost non-stop though I'm naturally craving rest time so bed time is just early and my eyes pop open at 4:35 every morning. I also naturally crave to spend time with my daughter when things are just out of my control. Her spirit and curiosity with life especially her fascination with slugs out of all things lifts me up tremendously. I'm big on hot yoga and zumba dvds has ignited many mornings. We are also in planning mode of relocation this year. So there just has been so much going on. I try to just put everything on my calendar including personal time. I use stickies for each collection I'm working on. I definitely hit blocks and days where things are just so slow and other days much quickly. I also have so much work so editing it down and just simplifying was not easy as well. I have a dress with my pattern being made by Itsje. My blurb book, banner, biz cards, and other items are done or in process to printing land as of now. Flights and airbnb is booked. We had a forest foundry skype chat yesterday and it has been a combination of chat messaging and getting our list checked off. I'm still continuing with working on art, commissions, and printing more art this coming week to be sold at Kitsch. Freelance work to follow up on. But I had nice break with the kid stuff I have been focused on and completed this Pablo Neruda collage piece with touch of digital for recent MAT 3 class. (Yes I'm still taking online courses with Lilla haha) After experience with the lapse of creative momentum in the past. I've learned that it is the only way to keep on moving towards your dream when you just keep up with learning, growing and making things. My husband has been really great he is managing most of the house work and watching Ellie on weekends. So I just retreat to the studio and get moving. Her are some recap pics..
Art commission requested by Melissa Bauman for a bride as wedding gift.
What saves me every morning, Kenyan french press roast.
Dress is being made by amazing Itsje Rowson.
My owls made it as a pattern on gift wrap!! spoonflower 13.00 per roll.
Printing first draft before Blurb..
Blurb Book for Surtex 2014
Wondering what to work on to do. Craving play and rest..
4:30 am Eyes Pop open need to get idea onto paper now.
Website Updates
Moo Cards Printed
Ellie if off to a birthday party.
Spontaneous beach adventure with Ellie..
Hubby & I in Ausin Texas scoping houses out.