The momentum continues..

We took a small road trip to maryland this past weekend. A new route showed up and we found ourselves on this country road filled with beautiful greens, old rustic barns, antique shops. I haven't left virginia since back in May, when I went back to NYC to catch the 2013 Surtex show, also to see family and friends. This almost end of summer break was much needed. Feeling recharged and ancy I was back on it this week with yummy isagenix protein shakes, and flying out my revisions from MAT Class. I also did a lay out of all the icons I used for the Farmers Market Tote. It was truly a very productive week back and a collection is evolving. I'm also working on a nyc mural proposal for first street green, bowery project I believe. I'm also excited to work on some characters and going into my hungarian folk roots. so that is going to be so FUN!!! 
