Childrens Book: Serafina!

This was a collaborate children's book project with writer Mariana Oliveira, based out of  Sao Paulo, Brazil.  Graphic Design By Silvia Ribeiro Owner of  Dash Editoria Brazil.

It proudly made it’s first debut at the Frankfurt Book Festival, Germany in 2013.


The story is about a little goat that won't stop jumping and accepting the great qualities about who she is. My focus was coming up with the character design and illustration. 

Mothers Guide Book: Mamae Sabe Tudo.  Translates: Mothers Know Best 

This is another Illustration project for a Modern Mom Guide Book. Practical, fun, and interesting ways to approach the stressful expectations of becoming  a parent.


Writer Flavia Fiorello from created this collaboration with me. Graphic Design By Silvia Ribeiro Owner of
Dash Editoria Publishing Co.
It proudly made it’s first debut at the Frankfurt Book Festival Germany, 2 Volumes published 2012-2013. Available to purchase off Amazon UK, (Not yet translated for U.S. Audience) 

Purchase Available: UK AMAZON